About Us

We at CrackCerts are here to help you prepare and pass the official certification exam(s), in the first go.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help the IT community to prepare confidently and pass the official exam with ease.

Our Mission

Our mission is to become the one stop solution for all IT related exam preparation.

We offer the following great features

Carefully crafted exam prep material

Our team of certified experts prepare the latest exam prep material for our learners.

Ace the exam in the first attempt

With our exam prep material you will be able to pass the official exam in the first attempt.

Timed mode feature

You can take the tests in a timed environment that simulates the official exam experience. In addition to timed mode feature, you may also choose to practice in an untimed mode where you can take as much time as needed to prepare.

Detailed explanations to each answer

While it's important to know the right answer to a question, it's even more important to understand why an answer is correct and more importantly why other given options are incorrect in the context of the question. Our detailed explanations will help you understand everything throughly.

Always up to date content

We always make sure to keep the questions, answers, and explantions up to date with the current version of the exam(s). We update our content twice every month.

Great response to user queries

We respond to user questions/feedback almost immediately. The maximum time we take to address user issues is 24 hours.