Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam AZ-900 : Practice Tests

10 full fledged timed practice tests with latest exam questions for AZ-900. Pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam on your first attempt.

Last updated May, 2024
255 students
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam AZ-900 - Practice Tests

This course includes

  • 10 full fledged timed tests
  • 377 Latest exam questions
  • Detailed explanations to answers
  • Reference links to documentation
  • Practice and Exam Modes
  • Unlimited detailed test reports
  • Access on mobile and Tablet

Microsoft AZ-900 certification overview

The Microsoft AZ-900 exam, also known as the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam, is an introductory certification aimed at individuals seeking a basic understanding of cloud services, particularly those provided by Microsoft Azure. It caters to both non-technical individuals involved in the sale or purchase of cloud-based solutions and services, and technical professionals who wish to validate their foundational cloud knowledge. 

If you're aiming for this certification, you should be proficient in detailing Azure architectural elements and services, including compute, networking, and storage. Additionally, you should be familiar with the features and tools essential for the security, governance, and administration of Azure.

Prior to attempting the official AZ-900 exam, it's recommended to undertake an AZ-900 practice test course. This will gauge your grasp on Azure fundamentals and highlight areas that might need further review.

Try 2 Microsoft AZ-900 practice tests for FREE

  • Practice Test #1 38 questions Free
  • Practice Test #2 38 questions Free
  • Practice Test #3 38 questions
  • Practice Test #4 37 questions
  • Practice Test #5 37 questions
  • Practice Test #6 38 questions
  • Practice Test #7 38 questions
  • Practice Test #8 37 questions
  • Practice Test #9 38 questions
  • Practice Test #10 38 questions

Benefits of taking the AZ-900 Practice Tests

The Azure fundamental exam is a paid certification which costs USD 99. Re-taking the exam will attract the same exam fee again. Therefore, it is important to prepare well and ace the certification in the very first attempt. 

Here are some benefits of taking our practice test course:

  • Understanding the exam format: Practice tests will familiarize you with the exam format, helping you understand the types of questions that may be asked on the official exam.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Practice tests will help identify areas of weakness that need further study before taking the actual exam. We provide detailed test report for each test taken. With the help of the reports you will be able to analyse which areas of the exam you are strong in, and which areas need improvement.
  • Time Management: Effective time management during the exam is crucial to ensure you address all questions within the allotted timeframe. That you do not run out of time and leave questions unanswered. Our practice tests mirror the official exam's timing to help you prepare accordingly.
  • Reducing Exam Anxiety: By taking practice tests, you can reduce anxiety and build confidence for the actual exam. You may take our tests as many times you want. There ins't any limit.
  • Improving Speed and Accuracy: Regular practice will help you improve the speed and accuracy of answering questions, which is crucial for timed exams.
  • Simulating Real Exam Conditions: Our practice tests simulate the conditions of the actual exam, helping you adapt to the pressure. Our tests have roughly the same number of questions as that asked on the official exam. Plus, the time to complete the exam is also matched so that you can practice in an environment similar to the official exam.
  • Tracking Progress: Repeatedly taking our tests allows you to monitor your progress and see improvements over time, bolstering your confidence. Achieving consistent success in our practice tests indicates that you're well-prepared and increases your chances of passing in the official exam on your first try.
  • Increasing Chance of Passing: Regular practice with our tests can significantly increase your chances of passing the actual exam.

Why choose us for your AZ-900 Exam Preparation

We understand that passing the exam in the first attempt is very important. Therefore, you should consider us for the following reasons:

  • Up-to-Date Content: Our courses are always current, with updates made within weeks of any official exam change, ensuring that you're studying the most relevant material on any given day of the year.
  • Detailed Explanations: We provide not just correct answers, but also comprehensive explanations for each answer option. It is important to understand why an answer is correct, but it is also equally important to learn why other given options are incorrect. This approach ensures that you fully understand the question and the reasoning behind the correct and incorrect answers, rather than just memorizing responses. 
  • Supporting References: We supplement our answers with supporting links and screenshots from official documentation and the Azure portal, providing you with a rich and a contextual learning experience. 
  • Practice and Exam Modes: Our platform offers both practice and exam modes. The practice mode allows you to take tests without time pressure, while the exam mode simulates the actual exam environment, helping you manage time effectively and get accustomed to the exam format.
  • Detailed Test Reports: After completing a test in exam mode, you receive a detailed report that provides an overview of your performance. This helps you understand where you stand in terms of your exam preparation. 
  • Active Learner Community: We foster an active learner community where users can post questions and comments, and receive responses within 24 hours. This collaborative environment helps clear doubts and enhances learning.
  • Mobile-Friendly Access: Our web application is mobile-friendly, allowing you to access our tests on the go. This means you can continue your preparation even when you don't have access to a laptop or desktop.

How to pass the official AZ-900 exam in the first attempt?

Passing the official exam is not at all difficult. We have curated the most up-to-date exam prep material for you. You just need to keep the following things in mind, while preparing for the exam:

  • Take the tests multiple times: There is absolutely no limit on the number of attempts you can take for each test. By taking each test multiple times you will surely improve your score each time. Once you are able to pass all the tests of the course, you will have gained confidence to take the official exam and ace it in the first attempt. 
  • Review each attempt's test report: Once you end your exam in the exam mode (timed one), you will get to see a test report. The report will list out all questions that were presented to you on that test. It will highlight questions that you answered correctly, incorrectly, and the ones that were unanswered if any. The test report will help you track your performance which is essential in the exam prep journey.
  • Read the explanations throughly: The most important aspect of our tests are the detailed explanations given for each answer option. The detailed reasoning is provided not just for the correct answer choice but also for the incorrect ones. By going through the explanations you will not just understand why an answer is correct but also learn why other options are incorrect. In this process, you will be able to learn and retain important information pertaining to each question of the test. Each answer also has some reference links pointing to the official Azure documentation. Make sure you visit those links to get more insight on the context of the question asked. There are screenshots from the Azure portal and Azure documentation for a quick go thorough.
You just need to practice all tests atleast thrice and you will be able to pass the official exam on the first attempt, guaranteed.
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Microsoft AZ-900 official exam details

As per the latest exam format, here are a few pointers that would be good to know before taking the official AZ-900 exam.

Exam last updated by Microsoft on January 23, 2024
Total number of questions asked 35-40
Total time allowed 60 minutes
Type of questions
  • Multiple choice (one correct response)
  • Multiple selections (multiple correct responses)
  • Interactive types
    • Drag and drop
    • Selecting options from a dropdown list
    • Hot Area (clicking on part of an image or a diagram)
Passing score


All Microsoft technical exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1000. A passing score is 700 or greater. As this is a scaled score, it may not equal 70% of the points. A passing score is based on the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competence as well as the difficulty of the questions.

How exams are scored

When answering most multi-part questions, you’ll receive one point for each correctly answered component. You can earn all, some, or none of the points possible for that question. If a question is worth more than one point, it will be noted in the question. Usually, you’ll receive one point for each correctly answered component.

There’s no penalty for guessing. If you choose an incorrect answer, you simply won’t earn the point for that question or part. No points are deducted for incorrect answers.

When to expect your score

For most exams, you’ll have results within minutes of finishing the exam. You’ll also get a report with your exam score and feedback on your performance.

Exam cost

You need to pay a certain fee while scheduling the AZ-900 exam. For the United States, the fee is USD 99 and in India is it INR. 3696, exclusive of taxes. The fee is based on the country or region in which the exam is taken.

Exam mode

The AZ-900 exam can be taken at home/office (online proctored) or you may choose an Authorized center near you. These options are available at the time of scheduling the exam from the Microsoft website.

Skills measured for AZ-900 exam

The tests in this course are based on the following topics/domain, as per the official exam format.

  • Describe cloud concepts
  • Describe Azure architecture and services
  • Describe Azure management and governance

Please visit the official certification exam page for the most up to date information.

Pre-requisites for taking the AZ-900 exam

It's advisable to possess expertise in IT domains like infrastructure management, database management, or software development. While your Azure Fundamentals certification can strengthen your foundational knowledge for other Azure-specific or specialty certifications, it's not a mandatory requirement for any of them.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Choosing the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification (AZ-900) offers several benefits:

    • Foundational Knowledge: The certification provides a solid foundation in cloud concepts and how they are implemented in Microsoft Azure. This knowledge is essential for anyone looking to delve deeper into cloud technologies.
    • Industry Recognition: Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud service providers in the world. Holding a certification from Microsoft adds credibility to your resume and showcases your expertise in the cloud domain.
    • Career Opportunities: With the increasing adoption of cloud technologies, professionals with a background in Azure are in high demand. The AZ-900 certification can open doors to various roles, from cloud technician to solutions architect.
    • Flexibility for Further Learning: After obtaining the Azure Fundamentals certification, you'll be better prepared to pursue more advanced Azure certifications, allowing you to specialize in areas like administration, development, or security.
    • Vendor-Neutral Cloud Concepts: While the certification is Azure-specific, many of the cloud concepts you'll learn are applicable across other cloud platforms as well. This broad understanding can be beneficial if you work in multi-cloud environments.
    • Affordable Entry Point: For individuals new to cloud technologies or Azure, the AZ-900 exam provides an affordable way to start the certification journey, compared to more advanced certifications.
    • Stay Updated: The cloud technology landscape is ever-evolving. Pursuing certifications like AZ-900 ensures that you stay updated with the latest features, services, and best practices in the Azure cloud.

    The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) certification exam is designed to validate foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The types of questions you can expect in the AZ-900 certification exam include:

    • Multiple Choice: These are traditional questions where you'll be asked to select the correct answer(s) from a list of options. Some might require selecting one answer, while others might ask for two or more.
    • True or False: Questions where you'll need to determine if a given statement or scenario is true or false.
    • Drag and Drop: In these questions, you'll be asked to drag items from one area and drop them into another, typically to match terms with definitions or to sequence steps in a process.
    • Scenario-based Questions: These questions present a short scenario or case study, followed by one or more questions related to that scenario. They test your ability to apply your knowledge in real-world situations.
    • Hot Area: You'll be presented with an image or diagram and asked to select the correct part of the image by clicking on it.
    • Fill-in-the-Blank: Less common, but you might encounter questions where you need to type in the correct answer.
    • Case Studies: These are detailed scenarios that provide information about a company and its requirements. After reading the case study, you'll answer a set of questions related to it. However, case studies are more common in higher-level exams than in fundamentals exams like AZ-900.
    • Review Screen: This isn't a type of question, but it's worth noting that the exam interface typically allows you to flag questions for review. This means you can skip challenging questions and return to them later if time permits.

    Microsoft has a retake policy for its certification exams, including the AZ-900 (Microsoft Azure Fundamentals) exam. Here's a breakdown:

    • First Attempt: If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, you can retake it. However, you must wait at least 24 hours before taking the exam again.
    • Second Attempt: If you do not pass the exam on your second attempt, you must wait at least 14 days before retaking the exam. This 14-day waiting period applies to each subsequent failed attempt.
    • Maximum Attempts: You can attempt the exam up to five times in a year (12 months). After the fifth failed attempt, you must wait 12 months from the date of the last attempt before taking the exam again.

    Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) certification does not have a set expiration date. Once you earn the certification, it remains valid indefinitely. However, Microsoft does periodically update its exams and certifications to reflect changes in technology and services.

    While the certification itself does not expire, the technology and practices it covers can evolve over time. As a result, even if your certification remains valid, it's a good idea to stay updated with the latest developments in Azure and cloud technologies to ensure your knowledge remains relevant.

    It's also worth noting that while the AZ-900 certification doesn't expire, other higher-level Azure certifications might have different validity periods and renewal requirements. Always refer to the official Microsoft Learning website or documentation for the most up-to-date information on any certification's expiration or renewal policies.

    The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam is designed as an entry-level certification for individuals who are new to cloud services or to Microsoft Azure. Here's a breakdown of its difficulty level:

    • Content Depth: The AZ-900 exam covers foundational knowledge of cloud concepts, core Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, and trust, as well as Azure pricing and support. While the topics are broad, the depth of knowledge required is basic to intermediate. You're not expected to have deep technical expertise, but rather a general understanding of the concepts.
    • Target Audience: The exam is intended for candidates who want to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud services, especially as they pertain to Microsoft Azure. It's suitable for those in sales, marketing, and other non-technical roles, as well as IT professionals beginning their journey with Azure.
    • Comparison to Other Exams: Compared to more advanced Azure certifications, the AZ-900 is considered easier. It doesn't delve into the hands-on, technical details that exams for roles like Azure Administrators, Developers, or Architects might.
    • Preparation: With the right study materials and dedication, many candidates find they can prepare for and pass the AZ-900 exam within a few weeks. There are numerous resources available, including Microsoft's own learning paths, third-party courses, books, and practice exams.
    • Experience Level: While having prior knowledge of cloud concepts can be beneficial, it's not a strict prerequisite for the AZ-900 exam. The exam is designed to be approachable even for those new to the cloud.

    Passing the AZ-900 (Microsoft Azure Fundamentals) exam requires a combination of structured preparation, understanding the exam objectives, and utilizing available resources. Here are some steps and tips to help you pass the exam more easily:

    • Understand the Exam Objectives: Familiarize yourself with the topics covered in the exam. Microsoft provides a detailed outline of the exam objectives on its official website. Knowing what to expect will help you focus your study efforts.
    • Microsoft Learn: Use Microsoft's free online learning platform, Microsoft Learn. They have a dedicated learning path for the AZ-900 exam that covers all the necessary topics in detail.
    • Hands-on Experience: While the AZ-900 is a foundational exam and doesn't dive deep into technical tasks, having hands-on experience can be beneficial. Use the Azure free tier to explore services, create resources, and get a feel for the Azure portal.
    • CrackCerts Practice Exams: Taking our practice exams can be invaluable. They will help you get familiar with the type of questions you'll face and identify areas where you might need further study.

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